Over the weekend NIS America held a press event where they announced three new titles that they are localizing for 2007. I was invited to the NISA party, but unfortunately I couldn't make it. So no exclusive coverage from me. :(
The first new title is Dragoneer's Aria, an RPG for the PSP. Up to 4 players can play together taking advantage of the PSP's ADHOC function. The game takes place in a world were Dragon's are worshipped as guardians of the world. Just as a young boy named Valen graduates from Dragoneer's school, a mysterious black dragon arrives and begins to destroy the kingdom. The Dragoneer's are defeated, but Valen survives and is ordered to find out what the black dragon was after. Dragoneer's Aria is set for release in July 2007.
Next up is GrimGrimoire, an RTS/RPG for the PS2. The game will take place in a fantasy world, following the adventures of Lillet Blan, a young magician who has recently been admitted to a prestigious yet mystical school. Mysteriously, on the 5th day, everyone vanishes, and Lillet awakens the next day to see that she is re-living the first day of school all over again! Rather than fight herself, Lillet can summon creatures such as elves, demons and dragons to do the fighting for her. With Lillet's memories and magical powers, you'll have to unravel the mystery of what's going on. Expect the game in June of 2007. Personally, I'm really excited about this one.
Lastly is Soul Nomad & The World Eaters, a strategy RPG for the PS2 schedules for release in August 2007. Sould Nomad promises to combine the grid based strategy of Disgaea with the depth of a traditional RPG. Crime pays off well in Sould Nomad, where players are encouraged to steal, abduct and kick villagers in the butt! Strategy RPGs are a specialty of NIS, so expect this one to be a lot of fun
Of course, that's all on top of Disgaea for the PSP, which was announced some time back. Look forward to more details in the future.
Labels: NISA