Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Poor Khan. You shall be missed!

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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Update and Changes

I've moved my blog from it's previous location on to a blogger site because Just-RPG is having some technical difficulties. I'm still with Just-RPG as Managing Editor and yes, Just-RPG is still alive... so don't go making any assumptions! LOL

Anyway, as a result of the technical difficulties and the recent move, there may be some broken links, missing images and other small problems. I may or may not move the blog back to Just-RPG... we'll see when the problems clear up. I've been doing a lot of non-RPG related blogging lately.... geared more towards virtual worlds (specifically for kids) so I'm considering changing the name and focus of my blog. Hmmm. Of course, I rarely updated nowadays anyway, so I'm probably overthinking this!!


Saturday, January 3, 2009

Time for Gaming?

It's been quite a while since I've done much gaming outside of casual games and a handfull of virtual worlds for kids (Habbo Hotel, Garden Party, etc.). A variety of reasons for this, I think.

As much as I love gaming and my Xbox 360, I think I overloaded myself a bit last year. I played a ton of games, and several of them were rather long, dull and overall mediocre. At that point, gaming was starting to feel a lot more like a chore than a form of entertainment. Blue Dragon was one of those games... it's a long and plain old average game and as much as I struggled to make myself want to play it, I just couldn't. One day I'd like to go back to it, though. As you can see from my GamerTag, the last game I played was Halo 3, which I'm also not a fan of. I liked the original Halo just fine, but after that I lost interest in the series... but, what kind of gamer would I be if I didn't play one of the biggest releases of the year? I played through it and didn't particularly enjoy it, which probably didn't do much to help my burnout.

Secondly, my Xbox 360 has been having a few technical problems. I'm sure this is something I can easily fix, but I haven't gotten around to it since I've been a bit burned out anyway.

Third is work. I started a new job back in April and it's kept me somewhat busy. Fortunately, I really like the job, and since we're developing a virtual world, it conveniently allows me to fill some of my gaming needs.

Recently I started playing Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Other than a few glitches, I'm really liking the game. Of course, I may be biased because I've always been a huge Star Wars fan.... at least, a huge fan of the old stuff. The new trilogy just lacked the depth of the originals and focused waaay too much on the action and CGI and not enough of characters and story. Oh well.

I've got a rather large pile of games I've been meaning to get to and my burnout resulted in me missing on a LOT of games... Xbox games, Xbox 360 games, PS2 games, PS3 games... and a Wii game or two. Not a fan of the Wii, obviously. I doubt I'll get through all of these games anytime soon, but I might as well get started!

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