Ummm.... Evony!?
This is the strangest banner ad I've seen for Evony yet. The previous one that was plastered all over the internet was a bit silly as well, but this takes it the a whole new level.

I mean, the ad doesn't give a single detail about the game. I played a little bit of Evony a while back and I don't recall ever seeing any scantily clad women during my adventure. Of course, I didn't play a whole lot of the game since it's a tad confusing and not very exciting... so who knows what I missed...
Either way, this just looks more like an ad for a dating site or a sex hotline than it does an ad for a fantasy, city building game. Somebody needs a new marketing department. Then again, I see ads for Evony everywhere... and here I am talking about it. So, maybe they've accomplished their goal?
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