Recently finished a review of
Puzzle Quest: Galactrix. The game is tons of fun to play. Maybe not quite as good as the original, but definitely worth picking up.
The majority of my free time has been split between
Free Realms and
Habbo Hotel. I have to admit,
Free Realms has really surprised me. I'm addicted to exploring the world, going on quests, and working to level up my character. I took part in the Open Beta and really enjoyed my experience with it, but after they deleted all of the Beta accounts, I was a bit irritated and quit. However, I liked the game enough that I knew I wouldn't be able to stay away for long. I still haven't bought a membership, but I've been thinking about it. Had they not cleared my account after Beta, I'd certainly be a member.
Habbo, I spend most of my time simply earning achievements and decorating my home. I mostly keep to myself since the game is filled with punk kids. But I do have to admit they come up with some REALLY creative rooms in
Habbo. I think I like
Habbo because I see glimmers of
VMK in it from time to time. The
communities are totally different...
Habbo has an older audience, less strict rules, and no Disney cutsie-ness. But functionality-wise, there are obvious similarities.
Habbo is one of the very few virtual worlds I've been willing to dish out some cash to play.

E3 is in just a few days. I have to admit, over the last year or so I've been out of the loop a little bit with the gaming industry. Just been a busy year, I guess. Before my previously mentioned
Puzzle Quest review, I don't even remember the last review I did. Hopefully more coming soon. Seeing all the E3 news makes me miss it a
lot. I didn't miss it so much last year, since last year's E3 was a joke... but now that it's 'back', I wish I was there. Too busy with real-life, though. Oh well. Hoping to hear some good gaming announcements.
While I do miss reviewing hundreds of games, attending press only gaming events, and getting early access to tons of games, it's also nice to just take my time and play games for the enjoyment of playing a game and not for the purpose of analyzing it later on. Just gotta learn to balance it, I suppose.
Labels: E3, free realms, habbo, habbo hotel, Puzzle Quest, Rant, vmk