Check out Eternal Sonota
I'd been hearing a lot of good things about the game, but it seemed that a lot of the hype for it was being overshadowed by games like BioShock and Mass Effect. The lack of JRPGs on the Xbox 360 has probably resulted in a somewhat small following for games of the genre on the system, and the fans that ARE out there are probably wrapped up in the hype for Blue Dragon right now.
With that said, Eternal Sonata deserves a lot more attention. For starters, the battle system is deep and fun. It features special abilties that have a different effect depending on your location, the option to customize the abilities of each of your characters, and allows you to avoid annoying random battles. It's also pretty straightforward to catch on to, with hot keys that are used for using items, attacking or using specials. The hybrid turn-based/real-time battle system is a lot of fun so far, and I can't wait to jump further into the game.
Secondly, the game is absolutely gorgeous. The music... the artistic style... and the extreme level of detail... it really is a work of art! I can't possibly say anything that will do the game justice, so you'll have to experience it for yourself.
The final game is set for release in late September. Be sure to give the demo a try first!
Labels: Eternal Sonata, Namco Bandai, Rant, Xbox 360, Xbox live marketplace
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