Black Prophecy Revealed...
Black Prophecy is an action-MMO that promises to have deep role-playing elements along with comprehensive resource management. This sci-fi inspired game takes place in the mid 26th century, after humanity has conquered the universe and colonized countless planets. Life in space requires many new adaptations for humans. However, the cybernetically adapted Tyi and the biogenetically optimized Geniden were created specifically for these conditions, and as a result have outgrown their human creators to become the new ruling races. The battle for control of space leads humanity into the sphere of influence of an ancient alien life form – a life form which tolerates no other cosmic civilizations but its own. Players must choose a faction and join the battle to save humanity!
The new Web site contains storyline information, screenshots and more! Check out the links below:
Labels: 10Tacle, Black Prophecy, MMO, PC
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