Sword of the New World Expands Shop

Players can personalize an enhance their MMORPGing experience, with over 30 new items added to the store. Here's just a few of the items now up for sale:
The Memoir (Veteran)
A book that will restore stat points used after reaching Veteran Status, In Sword of the New World one stat point can mean the difference between life and death, so don’t waste time with a stat point in the wrong spot.
Triumph Fillers
Acquiring these will increase attack and defense ratings for 10 minutes and with the addition of this item ALL players will gain the ability to complete Irawain's quest line and obtain his UPC card. Irawain is a UPC from the Far East who specializes in the Mui Thai fighting style. He is a powerful ally to have in the dangerous new world.
Forgotten Dungeons
The wide selection of items from the expanded cash shop vary from changing appearance, to gameplay updates like the new Forgotten dungeons which lets players access new premium-only dungeons where they can fight stronger monsters with better loot!
More items will be added to the store in the near future and players can purchase gold to spend on items online to make their shopping easier. For more info, see: https://www.swordofthenewworld.com/
Labels: golden, k2, MMORPG, online store, PC, sword of the new world
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